Thank You to the National Endowment for Arts for Investing in our Arts
by on May 7, 2011 in Awards & Grants

From Within Nucleus(FWN) won the ‘Grant to Organization’ by Washington State Arts Commission

(WSAC) and National Endowment for Arts on December, 13th, 2010. The total amount won is $1250.The grant money helped fund FWN’s unique project, ‘To Mom, With Love’. The project, ‘To Mom, With Love’, portrayed myriad roles of a woman. To Mom, With Love used the dance techniques of Bhartanatyam to portray the mothers love for her children, the sacrifices made by her, the values she teaches her children and much more. The artiste of FWN danced to an art enthusiast audience on April, 30th 2011 at MOHAI, Seattle.

The funding from WSAC and National Endowment for Arts helped FWN cover cost for compensating the cost of the artists. We are thankful to the National Endowment for Arts for helping organizations like FWN to succeed in spreading the art. The WSAC and National Endowment for Arts actively collaborates with artiste and art organizations, similar to FWN, to conserve and develop critical artistic resources. The organization truly works towards creating awareness for arts, developing and preserving art resources for future generations, and deepening investments in Washington’s dynamic cultural legacy.

The founder and artistic director of FWN, M. Subhashini Vijay Santhanam, has won Washington State Arts Commission apprentice grant in the year 2003. The WSAC Apprenticeship Program is designed to help communities preserve their traditional arts. Through this grant, M. Subhashini Vijay Santhanam had an opportunity to learn two new dance pieces from master artist – Dr. Jayanthi Raman in Portland, OR.

FWN hopes that in the future have more opportunities to partner with WSAC and National Endowment for Arts to spread and preserve the arts.

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